Category: Political Rants

  • Community College FREE!? There’s a catch.

    Community College FREE!? There’s a catch.

    Community College FREE? There’s no such thing as a Free Lunch. There’s a catch, but no one will know until after 2 years of paying $500 for textbooks. I’d like to give you a little perspective regarding what “Education” is really about. Check out my “Education is Bullshit” article here. Here’s the announcement from the…

  • Jorge Ramos Gets Owned By Obama on Immigration Issue [VIDEO]

    Jorge Ramos Gets Owned By Obama on Immigration Issue [VIDEO]

    Jorge Ramos has shown he’s fearless, especially when it comes to defending immigrant rights. In this latest interview he showed President Obama that he’s not afraid of him. However, even though his attempt at getting answers was well meant, President Obama replied intelligently and his answer made sense. When Jorge Ramos asked the president that…

  • Entrevista con el talentoso artista musical Benavides

    Entrevista con el talentoso artista musical Benavides

    Tuve el placer de sentarme y hablar con el artista musical Venezolano Benavides. Hablamos de la situación política de Venezuela hoy en día, y que se espera de el futuro de el país. @benavidesmusic

  • 7 Modern Day Slavery Tactics (7 Pillars of the Matrix)

    7 Modern Day Slavery Tactics (7 Pillars of the Matrix)

    If you haven’t heard about the 7 Pillars of the Matrix, in this video I give you a little run down about what it’s about.

  • You should drop out of school. Here’s why:

    You should drop out of school. Here’s why:

  • The Black Latino Sub-Racism – it exists!

    The Black Latino Sub-Racism – it exists!

    Who are you when you’re not White, not Black, Latino, but not a light-skinned Latino? You’re a Black Latino – probably one of the most subtly discriminated group of people in the US. Obviously not being “White” automatically puts you in the non-White category, which means you’ll probably fall into many of the other racial…

  • Internet Replaces Traditional Television

    Internet Replaces Traditional Television

    Television used to be the way of the modern world. Geniuses somewhere would create content financed by advertising, then they would distribute it through broadcast and cable outlets. Those days are numbered, however. The ratings game, controlled by Nielsen, has changed dramatically in the last 5 years. With social media available through smart phones and…

  • RECAP – The Latino Daily Show Meets Tosh.0

    SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH THE SHOW A few years back I had an idea to give Jon Stewart a run for his money. I felt (and still feel) that the Latino political space has not be filled with any comedic undertones. The Daily Show is a highly successful show, not unlike its offspring, the Colbert…

  • We Don’t Need Gun Control – We Need Control. Period.

    Things are getting pretty rough in Oakland. Actually, let me rephrase that… Things already HAVE BEEN rough in Oakland for a LONG TIME. I lived there for a few years a while back. I have much love for what I consider to be a city with a great example of true diversity. But ever since…

  • Harriet Tubman Sex Tape Controversy [VIDEO]

    So recently, people were mad about a comedy sketch featuring Harriet Tubman caught up on a sex tape with a White man. A lot of people have been upset about the video. But you be the judge… here’s the video…

  • Dogs are better consumers than Latinos [VIDEO PROOF]

    Direct TV will start offering DogTV – which is a cable network with programming targeting dogs. You read right. Dogs. Not dog-owners; but the dogs themselves. They’ll show images of frisbees being thrown, birds chirping and other cool programming canines will love. Yet, NuvoTV – which is a cable network targeting young English-speaking Latinos, can’t get…


    Violent acts have been taking place since the beginning of time. Even before humans, animals were killing each other for territory, food, mates, etc. Therefore, controlling a single tool will not make human’s violent nature go away. Besides gun control, what we need is CRAZY PEOPLE control. In this country, if they establish tougher regulations…