Tag / productivity
you are not special

You are NOT Special

We get the notion growing up that there’s something special about us. That our uniqueness is special and that somehow we’re better than we are. The fact is that this way of thinking stops your betterment. In this episode we discuss how we should stop thinking and relying we’re special...CONTINUE READING

Break Out of Your Morning Routine with a Productivity Change-up

Sometimes we fall into routines that do more bad than good – meaning we hit a productivity plateau.  Once you can predict how productive you’ll be during the day, then it’s time to change your routine.  You should always strive to grow, and any routine could get in the way...CONTINUE READING

Dont Be a Jack and Master Your Trade.

There’s power in becoming a specialist in whatever it is we do. Focusing our energy at being the leaders or experts in a niche of our trades assures success. We all have tendencies that lead us to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Yet, even...CONTINUE READING
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