Tag / racism

Why need to support Bordertown and Lalo Alcaraz

The saying goes: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all?” And that applies to supporting our fellow artists that are out there trying to create and take advantage of opportunities in their lives and careers. As minorities in the U.S. we’ve been trained from...CONTINUE READING

Straight Outta Compton NWA Movie Conspiracy [PODCAST]

Why were the White writers of the Straight Outta Compton chosen? This is one of the questions that we explore in this podcast episode. Listen below, and make sure you subscribe on iTunes. http://media.blubrry.com/artisticwarfare/artisticwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Straight-Outta-Compton-NWA-Conspiracy.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio | RSS

Did You Know the Writers of the Straight Outta Compton Movie Are White?

Did you know that the Straight Outta Compton writers are White? Well, they are. Does it matter? Who knows! But it sure raises a lot of questions about who gets what opportunities in Hollywood. It’s already bad enough that the group N.W.A. is surrounded by conspiracy regarding its creation. But...CONTINUE READING
donald trump freedom of speech

Does Donald Trump Deserve His Freedom of Speech?

It’s easy to attack Donald Trump nowadays. He seems to be always putting his foot in his mouth. But is it his right to do so? Should he be allowed to think however he wants to think and say whatever he wants to say? Or if it’s uncomfortable, should we...CONTINUE READING
leave donald trump alone

Leave Donald Trump Alone! (here’s why)

Donald Trump currently is a candidate for the US Presidency. He has also been untactfully spewing stereotypes regarding Latinos – Mexicans to be specific. Yet, even though whatever he may be saying is outrageous, should he be censored? Should people make him shut up because they don’t agree with him?...CONTINUE READING
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