Tag: seduction technology
When it comes to women: LESS IS MORE – Become Unavailable to Become Valuable
The premise of this episode is “Less is More”. The less you give the more you get. That philosophy goes against what we are tought growing up, but the reality is that the law of supply and demand is correct. The less of a product (or the less of YOU), the more valuable that product…
Ignoring Women to Get their Attention
The key to getting a woman’s attention is to ignore them. As humans, we all want to be unique and special and when you don’t recognize that in a woman who is used to receiving that kind of attention, then you will stand out to her. Ignoring women is easier said than done, but don’t…
3 Secrets to Get a Woman to Want You
There are a few things you can do to catch a woman’s attention, but there are just a few secrets beyond those things that makes a woman truly and absolutely desire you. 1. Ambition – You’d be surprise how far having a great ambition can take you with women. A lot of people think women…
5 Conversation Topics to Keep a Woman Interested
Women are complex beings. If you intend to keep their minimal interest in a conversation, then it better be good. If you’re talking to a woman about the weather, then she better be a meteorologist and you better be wowing her about something she didn’t know. Otherwise, chances are you come across as just an…