Archives / October 30, 2014
getting focused

How to Get Focused Right Now [VIDEO]

Focus is huge when it comes to making stride towards your goal. Find yourself with too many goals, and your bound to become frustrated with slow-moving progress and sometimes nothing gets done at all. The simplest way to become focus, is to let go of everything else, except that thing...CONTINUE READING
how to stop procrastination

How to Stop Procrastination [VIDEO]

If you find yourself procrastinating, it is probably  because you’re trying to accomplish too many things at once. Your mind is cluttered with too many plans, and your goals, deadlines and expectations are not realistic. Minimize and focus on one thing, and watch your motivation level come up. Here’s a...CONTINUE READING
zanahoria motivacion

Como Alcanzar la Motivación en tu Vida [VIDEO]

A veces no sabes en que dirección ir con tu vida. Tienes muchos planes, pero algo te para de llevarlos a cabo. Aquí les comparto brevemente como se puede alcanzar la motivación en la vida.

Why you shouldn’t tell people your plans. [VIDEO]

When you set goals and plans in motion, you spend energy making them happen. That energy sometimes can be “stolen” by other people’s lack of energy. The best thing to do is to keep your plans to yourself. I explain why in this video:
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