Author: Keu Reyes

  • Is the Coca Cola “Names on Cans” Campaign Racist?

    Is the Coca Cola “Names on Cans” Campaign Racist?

    Coca Cola has a marketing campaign where you can put your name on the can. This campaign seems like a fun way to share the product and the facts of the matter is that it has been quite successful. Obviously, Coca Cola can’t put every single name on their cans, or on the other hand,…

  • Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

    Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

    Rumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams.  Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has made multiple pleas of acceptance…

  • Jeffrey Toobin Gets Owned

    Jeffrey Toobin Gets Owned

    Jeffrey Toobin gets owned – big time!  Jeffrey Toobin is an alleged lawyer and senior legal expert for CNN. He always take the “anti” position on any issue, especially when dealing with President Trump. His hatred for the current government is so deep, that he will say anything and everything in order to make a…

  • When you’ve got this kind of boss…😂

    When you’ve got this kind of boss…😂

    This is a clip from TELE-VISIÓN – the behind the scenes of a Spanish-language TV network. Go to to watch more.

  • CNN Refuses to Report Puerto Rico Voting to Become a State. WHY?

    CNN Refuses to Report Puerto Rico Voting to Become a State. WHY?

    For whatever the reason, CNN downplays the fact that Puerto Ricans voted in favor of becoming the 51st state of the United States. Why? And why all the lack of coverage by the media regarding this big issue?

  • T-Mobile Ripoff and Tricks Customers with Deceptive and Unethical Business Practices

    T-Mobile Ripoff and Tricks Customers with Deceptive and Unethical Business Practices

    It’s no secret that T-Mobile ripoff and tricks customers with deceptive and unethical business practices. They advertise one cost, yet they charge another. They also make up charges and create fake taxes in order to charge customers more. In this podcast I talk a bit about some of T-mobile’s worst practices against its customers. Listen…

  • Where and How to Find Motivation

    Where and How to Find Motivation

    Where do you find motivation? How do you find motivation? Is it an external force that you must find in the first place? Or is there a way to find such motivation from within ourselves? Listen or download the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to the Artistic Wafare Podcast on iTunes. Play…

  • Greg Kading Interview – LAPD officer in charge of the Tupac and Biggie murder investigations.

    Greg Kading Interview – LAPD officer in charge of the Tupac and Biggie murder investigations.

    Greg Kading is the former LAPD officer in charge of the Tupac and Biggie murder investigations. In this interview he goes into details about the investigations, exploring topics as specific as allegations that Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs was the man who may have order Tupac’s murder. A lot of information is uncovered in this interview.…

  • Be Careful Where You Get Advice

    Be Careful Where You Get Advice

    Advice is all the praise. Everyone advises that you should listen to advice. But all advice is not created equal. There’s some extremely bad advice out there. So there are some things you must analyze before taking any advice to heart. Consider the Source Is the source an authority on the advice being given? If…

  • Overcoming Fears, Having Courage

    Overcoming Fears, Having Courage

    Courage is simply being afraid of doing something, yet doing it anyway. A lot of our fears keep us from being the best we can be. Fears can stop us from achieving goals, growing as a person and it hinders us from finding peace and happiness. When you overcome your fears, and you find a…

  • Your Comfort Zone Will Destroy You. Get Out Now! [Audio]

    Your Comfort Zone Will Destroy You. Get Out Now! [Audio]

    Being in a comfort zone is quite dangerous. When you’re in a comfort zone, you’re not growing. You’re stagnant. You must keep moving and growing. Life is about change. Comfort is about predictability. When you constantly look for that change that makes your uncomfortable, then you’re truly living. Listen to this episode titled Comfort Zone…

  • Is Spanish-language TV is Racist?

    Is Spanish-language TV is Racist?

    I don’t think Spanish-language TV is racist. I KNOW it is racist. I have many experiences both as a producer and an audience members to come to this conclusion. On a lighter note, here’s a funny clip from my show TELE-VISIÓN.