Author: Keu Reyes

  • Who Killed Tupac? Interview with Michael Douglas Carlin – Biggie & Tupac Murders’ Expert

    Who Killed Tupac? Interview with Michael Douglas Carlin – Biggie & Tupac Murders’ Expert

    In this unprecedented interview we dig deep into the serious allegations against the Los Angeles Police Department and their possible involvement in the murder of Tupac Shakur.  Michael Douglas Carlin, author of Tupac 187: The Red Knight, expresses his concerns on the numerous suspicious attempts by a range of law enforcement organizations to cover-up and…

  • Bustelo is the best coffee for the price

    Bustelo is the best coffee for the price

    Bustelo coffee comes in a red and yellow can with black lettering. Simple and delicious without all the marketing and inflated prices. There are many coffees out there… from Starbucks, Pete’s Coffee, Coffee Bean and many more. But Bustelo definitely competes in the real of high quality coffee without the crazy prices. Currently you can…

  • If Tupac is Dead, Should We Let Him “Rest in Peace?”

    If Tupac is Dead, Should We Let Him “Rest in Peace?”

    A lot of theories continue to circulate of whether Tupac Shakur faked his own death or not. Some fans swear that 2pac is alive; others believe he’s dead. Regardless, should fans leave Tupac alone? Should they stop searching for answers that they are never going to find? Bottom line… Should we let Tupac “rest in…

  • Take your career in Hollywood to the next level – Hollywood Creative Forum – Walter Kaitz Foundation

    Take your career in Hollywood to the next level – Hollywood Creative Forum – Walter Kaitz Foundation

    I’ve just got back from the Walter Kaitz Foundation 2-day event here in Los Angeles, and as usual, it was phenomenal! If you’re a professional of color or a woman in Hollywood then you have to know about this program. First, the Walter Kaitz Foundation is an organization with the goal to advance the contributions of…

  • Olive Garden Now Makes You Pay on Your Own at the Table

    Olive Garden Now Makes You Pay on Your Own at the Table

    So the restaurant chain Olive Garden now makes you pay at the table using a little gadget called Ziosk. I’m not sure where this whole do it yourself craze that restaurant and grocery stores are embracing, but there is only one acceptable outcome: Lower prices.

  • Bulleit Rye Better then Burboun

    Bulleit Rye Better then Burboun

    This Bulleit Rye is smooth, with a short finish. I’ve tried it straight and on the rocks and I have to say I’m impressed.  In particular with its affordable price range for such good quality. I really think this Rye challengea, if not outright beats, Bulleit’s Burboun. You can find Bulleit’s Rye being sold in…

  • Jamba Juice App Sucks

    Jamba Juice App Sucks

    The Jamba Juice app sucks. That, combined with their awful customer service and you have a recipe for disaster. I ordered a 21oz orange juice through their app. I was very trusting, since the Starbucks app works great. Well, when I got to the store, I was told they didn’t received the order. I showed…

  • One of the most disgusting Talk Shows on the internet (Warning: Very Graphic)

    One of the most disgusting Talk Shows on the internet (Warning: Very Graphic)

    I have to admit that taking a part of Talking Shit with Joe has been one of the most disgusting experiences I’ve suffered through in my career. Watch below at your own risk. If you’d like for Joe to interview you, leave me a comment. Make sure you check out Joe’s website NOTHING BUTT ART…

  • List of People Caught Faking Their Deaths

    List of People Caught Faking Their Deaths

    Throughout history people have fake their deaths for a variety of reasons. In this list are some of the people who have tried faking their death, but have failed. Most have been caught due to their own stupidity and carelessness. Yet, there are countless more out there that never get caught. Follow me on Twitter…

  • Got Sick off this Bavarian Style Hefeweizen from Trader Joe’s

    Got Sick off this Bavarian Style Hefeweizen from Trader Joe’s

    I was looking forward to trying out this beer. Found it at Trader Joe’s on sale for about $6.99 for a six-pack.  It’s an unfiltered wheat beer. It actually tasted quite nice and smooth. It was late night and I fell asleep after drinking just one bottle. However, I woke up an hour later with…

  • Things iHATE about the ZODIAC SIGNS [VIDEO RANT]

    Things iHATE about the ZODIAC SIGNS [VIDEO RANT]

    These are some of the Things iHATE about the Zodiac Signs. As a matter of fact, all the zodiak signs suck. Also don’t miss the things iHATE about going to the DOCTOR and the things iHATE about my girlfriend.

  • Rihanna Dissing Drake on “Needed Me” Song from her ANTI Album

    Rihanna Dissing Drake on “Needed Me” Song from her ANTI Album

    A lot of people think Rihanna’s “Needed Me” song is about Travis Scott — but it is not! This song is absolutely about Drake – who was always the one riding to Rihanna with a horse and carriage. This song may have been recorded a while ago, when they first stopped hanging out. Read the lyrics…