Category: Motivation

  • How to change your life?

    This was an excellent post: How to change your life?.

  • How to find motivation INSTANTLY [VIDEO]

    Here’s a tip on how to get motivated immediately simply by taking action. [youtube]

  • How to Get Motivated to Get Motivated

    Right now, at this very moment, I’m looking for motivation to get motivated. I know how to get motivated, I just don’t want to do it. So part of the search for that motivation is writing these words, to see if I find the motivation to get motivated. The first part of finding the motivation…

  • Take Pride in EVERYTHING You Do

    Most people don’t like what they do for a living, and if you’re one of the lucky few that do, then appreciate what you have, for it’s rare. Regardless if you love or hate what you do the key is to take pride in your work. Be the best at what you do and watch…

  • Motivate Yourself Immediately RIGHT NOW

    Do 10 push ups. Right this moment. This is a trick that works for me whenever I want to break a procrastination slump. You can also substitute the push ups for 10 jumping jacks or if you’re unable to do one of those, then simply yell at the top of your lungs for 5 to…

  • If you don’t want it bad enough, you won’t get it at all.

    You can talk all you want about the things you want to accomplish. The fact is nothing will happen if you don’t have an absolute obsessive passion about getting it. Working towards a goal is different than working towards a goal with INTENSITY. Here are a few things that will help you decide if you…

  • How to get more done by doing less.

    Get more done by doing less. It sounds counter-productive, but it works. 1) Pick One Thing You Like Doing – Don’t pick 2 or 3. Just pick one thing and nothing else. 2) Pick something you can actually get done. – Don’t pick something you need two hundred people to help. Just pick one thing…

  • Too Much To Do, Leads To Nothing Done

    Sometimes I get very ambitious and come up with a million things that I want to do.  I even get organized and write everything down on a list.  I may even come up with plans on how to get everything done.  The problem is that it’s way too much.  It’s an unrealistic list, and even…

  • Dont Be a Jack and Master Your Trade.

    Dont Be a Jack and Master Your Trade.

    There’s power in becoming a specialist in whatever it is we do. Focusing our energy at being the leaders or experts in a niche of our trades assures success. We all have tendencies that lead us to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Yet, even though we understand what that…

  • Write First, Edit Later

    A lot of people start writing by editing, and this is the biggest mistake you can commit when you’re actually trying to finish something.  You can’t edit something that has not been written yet!  So you have to WRITE FIRST! Write whatever comes to mind, don’t worry about what it is that you’re trying to…

  • 7 Habits of Highly Procrastinating People

    7 Habits of Highly Procrastinating People

    These are seven tips to become a better procrastinator.