Category: Personal View

  • Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

    Who is Bill Clinton’s Secret Love Child Son? Is it Danney Williams?

    Rumors, allegations and accusations have always followed the Clintons everywhere they’ve been. But one allegation that has not gone away is whether Bill Clinton has a secret love child – a Black son by the name of Danney Williams.  Danney Williams recently got verified by Twitter and he also has made multiple pleas of acceptance…

  • Be Careful Where You Get Advice

    Be Careful Where You Get Advice

    Advice is all the praise. Everyone advises that you should listen to advice. But all advice is not created equal. There’s some extremely bad advice out there. So there are some things you must analyze before taking any advice to heart. Consider the Source Is the source an authority on the advice being given? If…

  • Latinos are Racist

    Latinos are Racist

    Have you ever seen a Black Latino on TV? If you have, then you probably remember it vividly because that is quite the rare event. Black Latinos in Spanish are called “Negros” [Nae-gros]– which is the literal English translation for “Blacks”. It’s not uncommon to hear the reference to Negros in Spanish, which sometimes, may…

  • The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years

    The Non-Existent Evolution of Spanish-Language Comedy: Why Comedy in Spanish Has Not Changed in 50 Years

    If you’re into banana-peel-slipping, pie-to-the-face type of comedy, then Spanish-language TV is for you! For the last 50 years, if not longer, Spanish-language TV comedy has virtually stayed unchanged – carefully preserving the slapstick style of humor that English-language American television today sees as passé. Punchlines consisting of little people getting kicked or beautiful, big-breasted girls getting…

  • Why need to support Bordertown and Lalo Alcaraz

    Why need to support Bordertown and Lalo Alcaraz

    The saying goes: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all?” And that applies to supporting our fellow artists that are out there trying to create and take advantage of opportunities in their lives and careers. As minorities in the U.S. we’ve been trained from an early age to not…

  • Notorious Big had a parade when he died. Tupac had nothing.

    Notorious Big had a parade when he died. Tupac had nothing.

    It’s no secret that Tupac Shakur, or as he later called himself, Makaveli, never had a funeral service after his alleged death. There were talks about a funeral service being scheduled in Atlanta, Georgia, but apparently that was canceled. To this day, there haven’t been any public parades or celebrations for Tupac, at least not…

  • Enjoying Creative Depression

    Enjoying Creative Depression

    Sometimes I’m social and productive. Other times I crave solitude and don’t feel like getting anything done. Luckily for me, I’m in the social and productive mode most of the time. But when I get to the other side of the coin — that side that doesn’t allow me to even get up some morning,…

  • Straight Outta Compton NWA Movie Conspiracy [PODCAST]

    Straight Outta Compton NWA Movie Conspiracy [PODCAST]

    Why were the White writers of the Straight Outta Compton chosen? This is one of the questions that we explore in this podcast episode. Listen below, and make sure you subscribe on iTunes. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | iHeartRadio | Youtube Music |…

  • Proof that N.W.A. created by the Government and the Prison Industry?

    Proof that N.W.A. created by the Government and the Prison Industry?

    Here we go with the conspiracy theories, but with the new Straight Outta Compton movie’s success, it’s not a bad thing to re-open some of the old rumors and see how valid they may or may not be. A question has been raised of “Why are the Straight Outta Compton Writers White?” – but looking…

  • This is what the song ‘I Can’t Feel My Face’ is about…

    This is what the song ‘I Can’t Feel My Face’ is about…

    It’s about Cocaine!!!!     If you’re wondering what The Weeknd is singing about in that song ‘I can’t feel my face’ – well the topic is cocaine. Enjoy…

  • Meek Mill vs. Drake Beef Distraction While People Getting Killed By Police

    Meek Mill vs. Drake Beef Distraction While People Getting Killed By Police

    So this past week was all about the Drake vs. Meek Beef – which served as a distraction from the real issue out there… POLICE SHOOTINGS in particular. While we were all paying attention to the soap opera of rap beefs, police shootings rose to an all-time high. We need to talk about it, and…

  • This is why Donald Trump would be the Perfect President… [VIDEO]

    This is why Donald Trump would be the Perfect President… [VIDEO]

    If Donald Trump becomes president, he will change a lot of things in the United States. Here’s Billy The White Guy talking about the reasons why Donald Trump should be president of the free world.