Category: Political Rants
Innocent Man in Prison for 41 Years [Heartbreaking Video]
I’m against all forms of injustice, and as a country we need to look within ourselves and ask if we’re doing all we can to not wrong others. I had a hard time watching this video from Louis Taylor who was in prison for 41 years for a crime he did not commit… [youtube]
I always try to exaggerate stereotypes when I write my characters. The exaggeration brings about a conversation that would be otherwise taboo without the ridicule of pointing out the obvious. The following video shows a “stereotype” of cops – the only problem is that this is real life – and they’re not fictional characters. This…
Banks Hurt Poor People and No One Cares
These days this society has made it almost impossible to survive financially without having a bank account. If you overdraw your account by a few cents and get charged 30 dollars or more. Sometimes you get more fees if more charges are made while your account is overdrawn. For example… You have $1 (one dollars)…
Didn’t Rush Limbaugh predict Mitt Romney winning by landslide?
I thought Rush Limbaugh predicted that Mitt Romney would win by a landslide? How come no one calls him out on this stuff? Follow me on Twitter @qreyes
Hilarious Unexpected Romney Endorsement by Unlikely Voter
Mitt Romney gets an endorsement he didn’t expect for these upcoming elections 2012 … [youtube]
How to Sell to the Latino Market
If you’re trying to sell to the “Latino Market” you’ve already made the first mistake. There is no such thing as a “Latino Market”. The so-called “Latino Market” is as broad as the “Caucasian Market” or the “Asian Market”. No such thing! Imagine taking more than a dozen countries and trying to sell them something…
Speech Writing: The State of The Union
The behind the scenes of political writing always interests me. I look at political writing just as creative as any other type of writing. In actuality, political writers need to be more clever in their approach since in essence they are writing facts and realities. The ideas expressed politically have the potential to change people’s…
My Vote Counts?
I voted today.
Sarah Palin Makes US Look Idiotic in Prank Phone Call (Audio)
Sarah Palin gets pranked by Canadians.
McCain Did Not Respect Martin Luther King
John McCain voted against a day honoring Martin Luther King.