Category: POLITICS
Lalo Alcaraz Should Have His Own Show [AUDIO]
The FOX network tries to make it seem as if the show “Bordertown” is really Lalo Alcaraz’ show. That’s false. Bordertown was created by Mark Hentemann and it’s under Seth MacFarlane’s umbrella. However, Lalo SHOULD have his own show, without anyone ‘babysitting’ his content. I hope my wish comes true one day sooner than later.…
Seth MacFarlane’s Bordertown…
Is Bordertown Racist? Excuse my Spanish, but… What the f*** does Seth MacFarlane know about living at the border? What the f*** does Mark Hentemann know about being Mexican? If you don’t know, these are the executive producers of the Fox animated series “Bordertown.” Two White guys, that even White guys think they’re “too White”.…
Innocent Man Sent to Prison for 42 YEARS!!!! Very Sad. [VIDEO]
Community College FREE!? There’s a catch.
Community College FREE? There’s no such thing as a Free Lunch. There’s a catch, but no one will know until after 2 years of paying $500 for textbooks. I’d like to give you a little perspective regarding what “Education” is really about. Check out my “Education is Bullshit” article here. Here’s the announcement from the…
Jorge Ramos Gets Owned By Obama on Immigration Issue [VIDEO]
Jorge Ramos has shown he’s fearless, especially when it comes to defending immigrant rights. In this latest interview he showed President Obama that he’s not afraid of him. However, even though his attempt at getting answers was well meant, President Obama replied intelligently and his answer made sense. When Jorge Ramos asked the president that…
Farruko hablando sobre la situación social en Puerto Rico
Tuve el placer de entrevistar a Farruko, quien es unos de los artistas musicales mas populares en Puerto Rico y ahora agarrando fuerza tambien en Estados Unidos y Latinoamerica. Hablamos en detalle de la situacion social, politica y economica que se esta pasando presentemente en Puerto Rico.
Entrevista con el talentoso artista musical Benavides
Tuve el placer de sentarme y hablar con el artista musical Venezolano Benavides. Hablamos de la situación política de Venezuela hoy en día, y que se espera de el futuro de el país. @benavidesmusic
7 Modern Day Slavery Tactics (7 Pillars of the Matrix)
If you haven’t heard about the 7 Pillars of the Matrix, in this video I give you a little run down about what it’s about.
Chatting about Immigration with La Santa Cecilia
I had the pleasure to talk a little bit with Grammy-award winning musical group “La Santa Cecilia” about immigration equality and immigrant children being held as political prisoners in the US border.
Speech Writing: The State of The Union
The behind the scenes of political writing always interests me. I look at political writing just as creative as any other type of writing. In actuality, political writers need to be more clever in their approach since in essence they are writing facts and realities. The ideas expressed politically have the potential to change people’s…