Category / Seduction Technology
women emotions

Understanding Women’s Emotion

If you think you understand women’s emotions, you’re absolutely wrong. The complexity of the female mind and her expanding connection to her ever-changing feelings will make it nearly impossible to predict, let alone understand. In this episode I discuss a bit of how to try to understand a woman’s emotion....CONTINUE READING
advice for women

Advice for Women who want to understand Men

Men are simple, yet that simplicity is sometimes hard to understand for women. Women’s intelligence keeps them hoping that men are better than they seem. In this episode I discuss some of the misconceptions and common mistakes women make when they think they understand men. Listen to the episode and...CONTINUE READING
ignoring women

Ignoring Women to Get their Attention

The key to getting a woman’s attention is to ignore them. As humans, we all want to be unique and special and when you don’t recognize that in a woman who is used to receiving that kind of attention, then you will stand out to her. Ignoring women is easier...CONTINUE READING
get her to text you back

Get a Girl to Text You Back

Sometimes women play games. Especially over all the new ways of communicating. They won’t return your texts or simply take a really long time to reply to you. So how do you win this game they play? How do you come out victorious in the battle for the seduction of the...CONTINUE READING
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