Category / ARTICLES

Spousal Competition: Is Your Spouse Subconsciously In Competition With You?

In the intricate dance of relationships, it’s tempting to believe that those closest to us always have our best interests at heart. Yet, beneath the surface of that intimacy often lies an unexpected undercurrent: competition, the primal force of survival. We witness it in the rivalries between siblings, and yes,...CONTINUE READING

Interview with Luke Eve and Maria Albiñana from the series “Cancelled”

When the current pandemic arrived in this world it forced Luke Eve and Maria Albiñana to cancel their wedding. As a side effect of the lockdown, they were stuck at home with his mother. Instead of becoming victims, they decided to do a superbly written series where they touch on...CONTINUE READING

Why You Need Earmuffs and Earplugs to Block Out Sound

Many of us like to live in the city for various reasons. One, compared to the rural areas, there are more opportunities for jobs and education. EVen though there is also work available in smaller cities, nothing compared to the skyscrapers of the concrete jungle. It is also a well-known...CONTINUE READING
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