Tag / dancing

BeastBoy from Versa-Style Dance Co. Gets it at Kiiara’s “Gold” Tempo

“Beast Boy” from the Versa-Style Dance Company puts it down somewhere in the wilderness to the rhythm of Kiiara’s 2016 summer hit “Gold.”  Beast Boy has been known for his powerful thumps and showings of force in dance. His style is uniquely characterized by his stage name “Beast Boy,” as...CONTINUE READING
Category:ARTICLES, Videos

Wrapped up Cesar Lizardo Amarte Mas Music Video

Just wrapped up Cesar Lizardo’s “Amarte Mas” bachata – merengue mix music video and I can’t be anything more than grateful for everyone that help me make this come true. First, want to thank Cesar for going with the flow. It’s a great song, its creative and it hits both...CONTINUE READING
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