Tag / deportations
haitians vs dominicans

This is the Real Reason Dominicans and Haitians Fight

It’s no secret that Dominicans and Haitians have had an ongoing conflict for a few hundred years. This conflict is a well-designed problem that was planned many years ago by the people who wanted to keep control. Yet, the issues between the two countries continue to deteriorate, partly because of...CONTINUE READING
dominican haitian conflict

The Dominican vs. Hatian conflict is deeper than you think

People in the world either don’t understand or care that Haiti is disputably the poorest country in the world. The Dominican Republic may not be as bad, but it is still considered a third world country. But ask yourself, why would these small countries, so close to the continental United...CONTINUE READING
jorge ramos obama

Jorge Ramos Gets Owned By Obama on Immigration Issue [VIDEO]

Jorge Ramos has shown he’s fearless, especially when it comes to defending immigrant rights. In this latest interview he showed President Obama that he’s not afraid of him. However, even though his attempt at getting answers was well meant, President Obama replied intelligently and his answer made sense. When Jorge...CONTINUE READING
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