Tag: focus

  • Becoming Focused in 2015

    Becoming Focused in 2015

    Life is full of distractions. Becoming focused on one thing is one of the hardest things to do, but if you can master it, you’ll be on your way to success. Procrastination takes over sometimes and if you have too many plans, then you can say goodbye to your goals. New year’s resolutions hardly work.…

  • How to Get Focused Right Now [VIDEO]

    How to Get Focused Right Now [VIDEO]

    Focus is huge when it comes to making stride towards your goal. Find yourself with too many goals, and your bound to become frustrated with slow-moving progress and sometimes nothing gets done at all. The simplest way to become focus, is to let go of everything else, except that thing you want to focus on.…

  • Como Alcanzar la Motivación en tu Vida [VIDEO]

    Como Alcanzar la Motivación en tu Vida [VIDEO]

    A veces no sabes en que dirección ir con tu vida. Tienes muchos planes, pero algo te para de llevarlos a cabo. Aquí les comparto brevemente como se puede alcanzar la motivación en la vida.

  • Education is NOT the Key to Success

    Education is NOT the Key to Success

    Some people are under the false assumption that because they have a degree that they are on their way to success, or the other way around, where without a degree they feel worthless. Both of these points of views are wrong. Education is a tool to help you, but it will not make you. In…

  • Stop Answering Your Phone So You Can Get Work Done

    I used to answer my phone on the first ring, but nowadays when I’m busy I don’t even look to see who’s calling. Answering the telephone not only takes a lot of your productive time, but it also takes away from you being “in the zone”. The best thing to do is stop answering every…

  • How to Get Motivated to Get Motivated

    Right now, at this very moment, I’m looking for motivation to get motivated. I know how to get motivated, I just don’t want to do it. So part of the search for that motivation is writing these words, to see if I find the motivation to get motivated. The first part of finding the motivation…

  • The Woman You Want CHECKLIST

    The Woman You Want CHECKLIST

    The biggest problem of not finding the right woman has to do with not knowing what is the right woman for you. Answering these questions honestly will help you pin point the woman that you truly want. After you know the woman you want, then you can make a plan to find/get her. How important…

  • Motivate Yourself Immediately RIGHT NOW

    Do 10 push ups. Right this moment. This is a trick that works for me whenever I want to break a procrastination slump. You can also substitute the push ups for 10 jumping jacks or if you’re unable to do one of those, then simply yell at the top of your lungs for 5 to…

  • Dont Be a Jack and Master Your Trade.

    Dont Be a Jack and Master Your Trade.

    There’s power in becoming a specialist in whatever it is we do. Focusing our energy at being the leaders or experts in a niche of our trades assures success. We all have tendencies that lead us to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Yet, even though we understand what that…

  • Write First, Edit Later

    A lot of people start writing by editing, and this is the biggest mistake you can commit when you’re actually trying to finish something.  You can’t edit something that has not been written yet!  So you have to WRITE FIRST! Write whatever comes to mind, don’t worry about what it is that you’re trying to…

  • How To Be Better Than Everyone

    Being better than everyone is a simple concept with a complex execution. The first part of being better than everyone is to be okay with the fact that you are better than everyone. If you live your life waiting for people to catch up to you or to reach your level, then you’ll just be…

  • How to beat video editor’s block.

    Just like writers, video editors get blocked too.  So where do you find the inspiration to get back on track?  That’s a question I’ve asked myself plenty of times, and these are some of the things I’ve found so far work for me. The first thing is to STEP AWAY FROM THE PROJECT.  It sounds…