Category / Audio
tmobile ripoff customers

T-Mobile Ripoff and Tricks Customers with Deceptive and Unethical Business Practices

It’s no secret that T-Mobile ripoff and tricks customers with deceptive and unethical business practices. They advertise one cost, yet they charge another. They also make up charges and create fake taxes in order to charge customers more. In this podcast I talk a bit about some of T-mobile’s worst...CONTINUE READING
Category:Audio, PODCAST

Where and How to Find Motivation

Where do you find motivation? How do you find motivation? Is it an external force that you must find in the first place? Or is there a way to find such motivation from within ourselves? Listen or download the episode below and don’t forget to subscribe to the Artistic Wafare...CONTINUE READING

Greg Kading Interview – LAPD officer in charge of the Tupac and Biggie murder investigations.

Greg Kading is the former LAPD officer in charge of the Tupac and Biggie murder investigations. In this interview he goes into details about the investigations, exploring topics as specific as allegations that Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs was the man who may have order Tupac’s murder. A lot of information...CONTINUE READING

Your Comfort Zone Will Destroy You. Get Out Now! [Audio]

Being in a comfort zone is quite dangerous. When you’re in a comfort zone, you’re not growing. You’re stagnant. You must keep moving and growing. Life is about change. Comfort is about predictability. When you constantly look for that change that makes your uncomfortable, then you’re truly living. Listen to...CONTINUE READING
Chloe Goins Bill Cosby Rap Diss Song

New Planet X Found!! The Bill Cosby Diss Rap Song??? [PODCAST]

New Planet X Found!! The Bill Cosby Diss Rap Song??? [PODCAST] IN THIS EPISODE: Sexual Assault Accuser Chloe Goins Releases Bill Cosby Rap Diss Song, attacking Bill Cosby and his alleged rape and sexual assault accusations. Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: Spotify | Amazon Music |...CONTINUE READING

How to Stay Motivated

Staying motivated is easier said than done. It requires a good routine that turns into a habit. The only true way to stay motivated is to be on the constant search for motivation itself. We discuss all about motivation in this episode. Listen to the episode below and don’t forget...CONTINUE READING
Category:Audio, PODCAST, Self-Help
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