Tag / how to become better

Your Comfort Zone Will Destroy You. Get Out Now! [Audio]

Being in a comfort zone is quite dangerous. When you’re in a comfort zone, you’re not growing. You’re stagnant. You must keep moving and growing. Life is about change. Comfort is about predictability. When you constantly look for that change that makes your uncomfortable, then you’re truly living. Listen to...CONTINUE READING
climbing life

Climbing Life – Keep on moving beyond obstacles in life

If you’ve ever walked uphill, then you know that the higher up you go, the more tire you’ll be. Also, the higher the altitude, the more difficult it gets to breath. However, when you get to the top and you look down, then you realize that the climb was all...CONTINUE READING
you are not special

You are NOT Special

We get the notion growing up that there’s something special about us. That our uniqueness is special and that somehow we’re better than we are. The fact is that this way of thinking stops your betterment. In this episode we discuss how we should stop thinking and relying we’re special...CONTINUE READING
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