Category / Political Literature
anais salazar

Propaganda de Donald Trump Revela lo que de Verdad Piensan los Americanos de los Inmigrantes Latinos

La propaganda de Donald Trump revela lo que de verdad piensan los Estadounidenses de los inmigrantes Latinos. Anais Salzar entrevista al antropólogo cultural, el profesor Ysamur Flores de Otis College. Tocando los temas: Quienes fueron los primeros inmigrantes en América? Adam y Eva los primeros inmigrantes? Que diferencia hay entre...CONTINUE READING

Puerto Rican Exodus: Puerto Ricans Abandon Puerto Rico Amidst Financial Problems

Puerto Rican’s are moving out of Puerto Rico! Some, not all, Puerto Ricans abandon the island because they can’t find jobs. Money is hard to come by and the infrastructure is starting to deteriorate slowly. This is the Great Puerto Rican Exodus! Check out this graphic to give you an...CONTINUE READING

Seth MacFarlane’s Bordertown…

Is Bordertown Racist? Excuse my Spanish, but… What the f*** does Seth MacFarlane know about living at the border? What the f*** does Mark Hentemann know about being Mexican? If you don’t know, these are the executive producers of the Fox animated series “Bordertown.” Two White guys, that even White...CONTINUE READING

Speech Writing: The State of The Union

The behind the scenes of political writing always interests me.  I look at political writing just as creative as any other type of writing.  In actuality, political writers need to be more clever in their approach since in essence they are writing facts and realities. The ideas expressed politically have...CONTINUE READING
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