Control a Woman’s Emotion and Her Mind and Body Will Follow

If you want to have any kind of control when it comes to a woman, the key lies within understanding and managing her emotions. Emotions for any being, male or female, are a complex set of feelings that can be triggered by numerous factors. Some require internal or external management or both.

If you make a woman happy or excited then you’re managing her positive emotions. If you make her angry or nervous, you’re managing her negative emotions. Both ways have their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to the control process. Getting stuck managing only one set of emotions will lose effectiveness at some point, so you must purposely inflict emotional changes.

So how do you inflict emotional changes? Well, you must do the research on each individual woman. Each one is unique and different and will have a different set of reactions to each emotional trigger. Get to know her childhood. Find out what were the good times, also find out what were the bad times. Find out when she has laughed the most and when she’s cried the most in her life. Take her on an emotional journey through her recollections, remembering key elements that you can later use in her emotional management.

For example, if she’s afraid of clowns, get her near a clown or a toy clown. Sounds counter-productive but in reality you’re triggering an emotional swing. These swings will be big time conductors of adrenaline, which is a key chemical ingredient in emotional management. Adrenaline equals the feeling of excitement.

There are many triggers that you could use. Just make sure you use the ones that work for you and perfect your technique. Only patience and practice will lead you to controlling a woman’s emotions effectively.

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