Tag / girl

Why do women think gay men are harmless?

Women think that gay men are harmless. NEWSFLASH LADIES: Gay men are still MEN – and some of them have a working penis – and under the right circumstances, they will insert it inside of you. I have no problem with gay men, and I have plenty of friends that...CONTINUE READING

how to tell a woman “NO!”

if you want to do something but your girl wants to do something else, just tell her NO. sometimes you can give up and do something she wants, but not all the time though. don’t lose yourself in trying to please someone else, because then she will not like who...CONTINUE READING
Category:Personal View

if a woman is happy all the time she gets bored

trust me on dis. if you always try to keep a woman happy and do whatever she says then she will get tired of you. that’s why you gotta make her mad sometimes. come home late or don’t call her all the time. you gotta have a reason to fight...CONTINUE READING

Control a Woman’s Emotion and Her Mind and Body Will Follow

If you want to have any kind of control when it comes to a woman, the key lies within understanding and managing her emotions. Emotions for any being, male or female, are a complex set of feelings that can be triggered by numerous factors. Some require internal or external management...CONTINUE READING

Don’t Give Her Too Much Too Soon

As men, we tend to work on results and not the process. This means that we do whatever it takes to get things done. Women, however, are a bit different. They’re process-driven. They pay attention to the details on the way to a destination. If you want to keep a...CONTINUE READING

5 Conversation Topics to Keep a Woman Interested

Women are complex beings. If you intend to keep their minimal interest in a conversation, then it better be good. If you’re talking to a woman about the weather, then she better be a meteorologist and you better be wowing her about something she didn’t know. Otherwise, chances are you...CONTINUE READING
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