Tag: how to
Why you shouldn’t tell people your plans. [VIDEO]
When you set goals and plans in motion, you spend energy making them happen. That energy sometimes can be “stolen” by other people’s lack of energy. The best thing to do is to keep your plans to yourself. I explain why in this video:
Raq-C makes sure her vag is fab before a bikini photoshoot.
It’s very important to shave your vagina before a photoshoot…
Stop Answering Your Phone So You Can Get Work Done
I used to answer my phone on the first ring, but nowadays when I’m busy I don’t even look to see who’s calling. Answering the telephone not only takes a lot of your productive time, but it also takes away from you being “in the zone”. The best thing to do is stop answering every…
How to Produce a Quality Low Budget Music Video for Free
You can produce a quality music video below low-budget. You could actually do it for free. Well, if you count time, then technically it’s not free, but you get the idea. I just wrapped up production of Richie Alexander’s new music video for Soundication and we got it done with the two “q’s” – quickly…
How to find motivation INSTANTLY [VIDEO]
Here’s a tip on how to get motivated immediately simply by taking action. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4IohqXtS0g&w=560&h=315]
Great TV Show Ideas That Got Turned Down
Here are some great TV shows ideas that didn’t make it… CSI: ARIZONA – The crime here is looking like an immigrant. CHECK INTO CASH – Game show where contestants get cash advances from their payroll checks. SURVIVOR: JUAREZ – This is a ladies-only game show where no one might win. AMERICA’S NEXT TOP NARCO…
How to write short and precise comic strip style – Interview with writer Harold Jessurun [VIDEO]
In this video writer Harold Jessurun talks about writing his book “Los Chistes de Pepito” and how to write short, precise and to the point. This is all very difficult, especially when you have to convey a large idea or concept into a few words and images. Check out the interview: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQMTlQJ28jw&w=560&h=315] Follow me…
How to Get Motivated to Get Motivated
Right now, at this very moment, I’m looking for motivation to get motivated. I know how to get motivated, I just don’t want to do it. So part of the search for that motivation is writing these words, to see if I find the motivation to get motivated. The first part of finding the motivation…
This is what happens behind the scenes at TV auditions…
Ever wondered what REALLY happens at television and film auditions? Well here it is: [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCT7yCDYhhQ&w=560&h=315]
Control a Woman’s Emotion and Her Mind and Body Will Follow
If you want to have any kind of control when it comes to a woman, the key lies within understanding and managing her emotions. Emotions for any being, male or female, are a complex set of feelings that can be triggered by numerous factors. Some require internal or external management or both. If you make…
Behind the scenes at cable TV network internal pitch meeting.
Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes of a cable TV network internal pitch meeting? This is what really happens.
Don’t Give Her Too Much Too Soon
As men, we tend to work on results and not the process. This means that we do whatever it takes to get things done. Women, however, are a bit different. They’re process-driven. They pay attention to the details on the way to a destination. If you want to keep a woman’s interest, giving her all…