Tag: motivation

  • You’re Not a Victim of this Moment

    You’re Not a Victim of this Moment

    Stop making excuses and do what you need to do. No one forces you to keep living the life you are living. If you don’t like your condition, change your condition. Don’t get caught up on a No Way Street. If you don’t have it, then create it!

  • When is it time to set new goals?

    When is it time to set new goals?

    I feel happy and accomplished. Thats one of the main giveaways that it’s time to set new goals. Yet, what if there was an app that would do this for you? An app that can look at your life and make decisions on your goals – without asking you. An app that can take all…

  • When it comes to women: LESS IS MORE – Become Unavailable to Become Valuable

    When it comes to women: LESS IS MORE – Become Unavailable to Become Valuable

    The premise of this episode is “Less is More”. The less you give the more you get. That philosophy goes against what we are tought growing up, but the reality is that the law of supply and demand is correct. The less of a product (or the less of YOU), the more valuable that product…

  • How to Get Focused Right Now [VIDEO]

    How to Get Focused Right Now [VIDEO]

    Focus is huge when it comes to making stride towards your goal. Find yourself with too many goals, and your bound to become frustrated with slow-moving progress and sometimes nothing gets done at all. The simplest way to become focus, is to let go of everything else, except that thing you want to focus on.…

  • Why you shouldn’t tell people  your plans. [VIDEO]

    Why you shouldn’t tell people your plans. [VIDEO]

    When you set goals and plans in motion, you spend energy making them happen. That energy sometimes can be “stolen” by other people’s lack of energy. The best thing to do is to keep your plans to yourself. I explain why in this video:

  • Education is NOT the Key to Success

    Education is NOT the Key to Success

    Some people are under the false assumption that because they have a degree that they are on their way to success, or the other way around, where without a degree they feel worthless. Both of these points of views are wrong. Education is a tool to help you, but it will not make you. In…

  • How to get Razor Sharp Focus

    How to get Razor Sharp Focus

    Getting razor sharp focus is easy, if you simply minify what you’re focusing on. Trying to focus on too many things will lead you astray of your goal. There’s no amount of self-discipline that will help you focus if you’re splitting your attention in too many directions. The key to a flawless and consistent focus…

  • Instant Self-Discipline

    The key to Self-Discipline is doing those things you know you should do, especially when you don’t feel like doing them. Whether it’s finishing work or school all the way to exercising or eating well, self-discipline is the difference between success and failure. But what happens when you just can’t move from a slump? When…

  • Women don’t want a needy man! Read this!!

    Women don’t want a needy man! Read this!!

    Why would a woman want a needy man? Ask yourself that question and you won’t get a good answer. Women are attracted to independence, self-sufficiency, and overall men that don’t need them. Sure, some women like to play “saviors” to needy men, but that wears off rather quickly. If you become self-assured, and you have…

  • How to find motivation INSTANTLY [VIDEO]

    Here’s a tip on how to get motivated immediately simply by taking action. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4IohqXtS0g&w=560&h=315]

  • How to Get Motivated to Get Motivated

    Right now, at this very moment, I’m looking for motivation to get motivated. I know how to get motivated, I just don’t want to do it. So part of the search for that motivation is writing these words, to see if I find the motivation to get motivated. The first part of finding the motivation…

  • The Woman You Want CHECKLIST

    The Woman You Want CHECKLIST

    The biggest problem of not finding the right woman has to do with not knowing what is the right woman for you. Answering these questions honestly will help you pin point the woman that you truly want. After you know the woman you want, then you can make a plan to find/get her. How important…