Tag: seduction

  • Don’t Give Her Too Much Too Soon

    As men, we tend to work on results and not the process. This means that we do whatever it takes to get things done. Women, however, are a bit different. They’re process-driven. They pay attention to the details on the way to a destination. If you want to keep a woman’s interest, giving her all…

  • 5 Conversation Topics to Keep a Woman Interested

    5 Conversation Topics to Keep a Woman Interested

    Women are complex beings. If you intend to keep their minimal interest in a conversation, then it better be good. If you’re talking to a woman about the weather, then she better be a meteorologist and you better be wowing her about something she didn’t know. Otherwise, chances are you come across as just an…

  • The Woman You Want CHECKLIST

    The Woman You Want CHECKLIST

    The biggest problem of not finding the right woman has to do with not knowing what is the right woman for you. Answering these questions honestly will help you pin point the woman that you truly want. After you know the woman you want, then you can make a plan to find/get her. How important…

  • How long should you wait before texting back.

    Texting back takes patience. Desperate people with nothing to do in their lives text back right away, because they have nothing better to do. But if you have your life together, then you don’t have time to text back the second someone texts you. Why? Because you’re at work, or at the gym or simply…

  • Girls Like Guys That Smell Good

    Girls Like Guys That Smell Good

    Do not underestimate the power of smell. On the contrary, use it to your advantage. No one wants to be around someone that smells bad. When you walk by a person that smells, you immediately change your view of that person. Whether is your breath or your clothes, or your body, you must smell to…

  • How to get out of the “friend zone”…

    Ahhhh, the dreaded “friend zone”. This is the place where a girl might send you if you don’t play your cards right. I needed to write this article as soon as my friend asked me “well, how do you get out of the friend zone?” The answer is simple: Don’t go in the zone in…