Tag: sex

  • The RaqC Episode [PODCAST]

    The RaqC Episode [PODCAST]

    In this episode of The Keu Reyes Project Podcast my homegirl RaqC stops by to talk about a little bit of what’s going on in her career among other unrelated things. ADHD is alive and well in this episode. Hahaha! Listen to the episode below and make sure you subscribe on iTunes. http://media.blubrry.com/artisticwarfare/artisticwarfare.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/The-RaqC-Episode.mp3Podcast: Play in…

  • 3 Secrets to Get a Woman to Want You

    3 Secrets to Get a Woman to Want You

    There are a few things you can do to catch a woman’s attention, but there are just a few secrets beyond those things that makes a woman truly and absolutely desire you. 1. Ambition – You’d be surprise how far having a great ambition can take you with women. A lot of people think women…

  • if a woman is happy all the time she gets bored

    trust me on dis. if you always try to keep a woman happy and do whatever she says then she will get tired of you. that’s why you gotta make her mad sometimes. come home late or don’t call her all the time. you gotta have a reason to fight so you can have a…

  • How to Produce a Quality Low Budget Music Video for Free

    How to Produce a Quality Low Budget Music Video for Free

    You can produce a quality music video below low-budget. You could actually do it for free. Well, if you count time, then technically it’s not free, but you get the idea.  I just wrapped up production of Richie Alexander’s new music video for Soundication and we got it done with the two “q’s” – quickly…

  • Behind the scenes at cable TV network internal pitch meeting.

    Ever wonder what happens behind the scenes of a cable TV network internal pitch meeting?  This is what really happens.

  • Don’t Give Her Too Much Too Soon

    As men, we tend to work on results and not the process. This means that we do whatever it takes to get things done. Women, however, are a bit different. They’re process-driven. They pay attention to the details on the way to a destination. If you want to keep a woman’s interest, giving her all…

  • 5 Conversation Topics to Keep a Woman Interested

    5 Conversation Topics to Keep a Woman Interested

    Women are complex beings. If you intend to keep their minimal interest in a conversation, then it better be good. If you’re talking to a woman about the weather, then she better be a meteorologist and you better be wowing her about something she didn’t know. Otherwise, chances are you come across as just an…

  • Girls Like Guys That Smell Good

    Girls Like Guys That Smell Good

    Do not underestimate the power of smell. On the contrary, use it to your advantage. No one wants to be around someone that smells bad. When you walk by a person that smells, you immediately change your view of that person. Whether is your breath or your clothes, or your body, you must smell to…

  • Sarah Palin Stolen Sex Tape Found?

    Could this be Sarah Palin getting down with Todd?