Category / Self-Contemplation
asshole man

Nice Guys Finish Last

Women like nice guys, but they LOVE assholes. Ever wonder why women stay in unstable relationships? Why they’re always crying after that guy that has no interest in them? Well, it’s quite simple: Women want what they can’t get. They want that purse they can’t afford and those shoes that...CONTINUE READING


I always try to exaggerate stereotypes when I write my characters. The exaggeration brings about a conversation that would be otherwise taboo without the ridicule of pointing out the obvious. The following video shows a “stereotype” of cops – the only problem is that this is real life – and...CONTINUE READING

A Father’s Right To Choose?

A father has no right to choose, mainly because he’s only good for fertilizing the egg and paying child support for 18 years. Nonetheless, a father can’t meddle in a woman’s right to chose, because it’s “their body, their choice”. But what happens when that “choice” affects more than the...CONTINUE READING

Real Hip Hop is Not Coming Back – Give it Up

If you grew up listening to real hip hop and you’re hoping someone (anyone) will bring it back… Give it up! It’s not happening. Just be happy with the fact that you grew up in a generation where you were lucky enough to experience real hip hop. It’s the youngster’s...CONTINUE READING
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