Tag / getting

How to Get Motivated to Get Motivated

Right now, at this very moment, I’m looking for motivation to get motivated. I know how to get motivated, I just don’t want to do it. So part of the search for that motivation is writing these words, to see if I find the motivation to get motivated. The first...CONTINUE READING

Don’t Give Her Too Much Too Soon

As men, we tend to work on results and not the process. This means that we do whatever it takes to get things done. Women, however, are a bit different. They’re process-driven. They pay attention to the details on the way to a destination. If you want to keep a...CONTINUE READING

Girls Like Guys That Smell Good

Do not underestimate the power of smell. On the contrary, use it to your advantage. No one wants to be around someone that smells bad. When you walk by a person that smells, you immediately change your view of that person. Whether is your breath or your clothes, or your...CONTINUE READING
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