
If you don’t want it bad enough, you won’t get it at all.

You can talk all you want about the things you want to accomplish. The fact is nothing will happen if you don’t have an absolute obsessive passion about getting it. Working towards a goal is different than working towards a goal with INTENSITY. Here are a few things that will...CONTINUE READING

How to get out of the “friend zone”…

Ahhhh, the dreaded “friend zone”. This is the place where a girl might send you if you don’t play your cards right. I needed to write this article as soon as my friend asked me “well, how do you get out of the friend zone?” The answer is simple: Don’t...CONTINUE READING

How to get more done by doing less.

Get more done by doing less. It sounds counter-productive, but it works. 1) Pick One Thing You Like Doing – Don’t pick 2 or 3. Just pick one thing and nothing else. 2) Pick something you can actually get done. – Don’t pick something you need two hundred people to...CONTINUE READING

Dont Be a Jack and Master Your Trade.

There’s power in becoming a specialist in whatever it is we do. Focusing our energy at being the leaders or experts in a niche of our trades assures success. We all have tendencies that lead us to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Yet, even...CONTINUE READING
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